The Real Saint and an Enlightened Master of our times, guiding spiritual seekers towards the path of Self Realization. Guruji Sundar is a living example showing the seekers that one can taste the truth and live in the truth while leading a normal family life!

An Invitation from Guruji Sundar
Dear Seekers,
I, Guruji Sundar, invite you all to my spiritual abode. You are all entitled for wisdom which came from above and I can’t claim ownership for it. I am just a passage or a medium to propagate the wisdom from the wise ones!
With love and regards,
Guruji Sundar

Solution to all your Seeking
Dear Seekers, to survive in this world you need a spiritual base to function efficiently in all fronts. Problems can be numerous, but mind is one. So, understand your mind. To understand your mind, you have to meditate. There are hundreds of meditation techniques but mine is very easy and time tested.
Effects of Meditation
Meditation makes mind positive. When you meditate, your mind becomes your best companion rather than being an enemy and you understand your mind completely. It becomes silent without any turbulence and functions in a single point like an arrow and your decision will always be correct.
Leading Life will be a Blessing!
With purified mind, your mind will be healthy, your body will be healthy and living in the body will indeed be a blessing. You will spread happiness and peacefulness wherever you go!

Guruji’s Idea about Self Realization
Self Realization is our birthright! All humans and other living beings are all different forms of GOD only. God is universal. He can take millions of forms. We should not get identified with the forms. We should see the Formless one which lives in the form.

Guruji Sundar's Different Types of Meditation
Kundalini Meditation
Know about chakras, Chakra initiation and meditation, Benefits of chakras, Chakra cleansing and Chakra purification.
Chakra Breathing
Balancing of kundalini energy in chakras. Absorbing energy from divine places into the chakras.
Meditation over a cup of coffee
This is exclusively created for IT professionals who have to use their mind totally for their work and get enervated. We teach you how to gain energy from the space surrounding us over a cup of coffee. We constantly keep the space energised using our meditators.
ATS - At The Source Meditation
Art of stopping the mind and getting rooted in the base (origin) of the mind.
ACE - Art of Communicating with the Existence
A special meditation technique in which the seeker is made aware of motherly existence and how to communicate with it.
A Cube - Awareness About Aathman
This is not a meditation technique per se but a knowing. This is a special knowing in which the awareness about the imperishable self is imparted by guruji himself.
A5 - Awareness About Aathman At All Times
A5 is possible only for those seekers who have imbibed Aathma Dharshan from guruji and spent so many years with him in close proximity. They only will have the ability to learn the art of being in their aathman at all times.
AT - Astral Travel
Travelling to holy places and other lokas with the subtle body through a guided tour.
OBE - Out of Body Experience
OBE happens to every human during night in deep sleep unconsciously. So, we teach you how to experience OBE with awareness.
AGP - Awareness about God Particle
God Particles are abundant in holy places and jeeva samadhis of great saints. A single God particle contains all the information about the place from the very beginning. Know how to invite the god particle into you and get all the divine energy.
AoD - Art of Dying
We teach you how to ease out of the body with total cooperation and surrender and with absolute trust on existence/God at the time of death.
ASE - Art of Self Effacing
For serious seekers of truth and tapachaaryas, we teach how to erase all the self-identity and become void/ empty so that, there is no one to die and only pure existence lives in you as you.
Art of Communicating with Nagalogam
Nagalogam exists very close to us but in a different frequency. There is always wisdom sharing happening between our logam and Nagalogam from ancient times. So, many beings from nagalogam visit earth regularly at selected places. We teach you how to communicate with them and get their blessings and wisdom.
Art of Communicating with Saints
We teach you how to communicate with saint in Jeeva samadhis and saints in holy temples while in deep meditation. We teach you how to receive their blessings and also how to be aware when the saint’s astral body hovers around us.
Art of Communicating with God
This happens only to serious seekers of truth and sincere practitioners of meditation. We teach you the techniques on how to get connected with God using our own being.
Awareness About Shambala
Shambala is a great amalgamation of great saints and rishis from ancient times created to help the humanity and guide the world during difficult times and also to share their wisdom to suitable human beings. Guruji shares his wisdom about Shambala to those who are qualified enough to listen.
Visions of Guruji Sundar
- As many flowerings of human consciousness as possible.
- A one stop database on spiritual knowledge for seekers of truth all over the world.
- Help people lead a stress-free life by keeping the body and mind healthy.
- All holy temples are our lifelines. Create awareness about the significance of ancient temples.
- Spread the importance of Jeevasamadhis all over the world.
- Cure Mental diseases with yoga and meditation.
- Eliminate the taboos surrounding death.
- Maintain a herbal garden to promote the importance and benefits of Indian herbs.
- Annadhaanam for poor people everyday.
- Orphanage for aged and poor people.
- Provide free medical help for poor people.
- Feed and take care of all street dogs.
- Spread awareness about Astral beings and Astral Attachments.
- Help people live in harmony with nature.
- An Ashram constituting Grihastas and with huge Mulasthanam.
- Hospitals run by Spiritually inclined doctors across Allopathy, Homeopathy, Siddha and Ayurveda.
- Schools and Colleges run by Spiritually inclined people.