Immerse yourself in the Life Journey of Guruji Sundar

The Early Life of Guruji Sundar
Guruji Sundar was born during 1965 in Chennai on a Wednesday at 5 am. Guruji Sundar was born as the sixth and the youngest child to Shri Thangaraj and Smt. Suguna Thangaraj. He was born in Chennai Naval Hospital in Periamet, Chennai, India. His father was working in railways and mother in telephones and were a middle-class family. Guruji had 3 elder sisters and 2 elder brothers. His second elder brother died at the age of 3. Since Guruji was born after the demise of their second son, Guruji was naturally loved more by his parents and was the darling of the family. Guruji started going to school only by the age of 6 as during those days there was the first standard (grade) straight away without any kindergarten system. Till the fourth standard Guruji used to always obtain 3rd rank in school. During His fourth standard Guruji’s family shifted their residence from Periamet to Adambakkam (This happened during the year 1973). Subsequently Guruji completed his 12th standard during 1982 and then bachelor’s degree in physics during the year 1985.

Guruji's Journey into Spirituality
During 1986, Guruji started visiting Saibaba temple in Guindy. Guruji used to tell that even without knowing meditation, sitting there in solitude for half an hour or so gave so much of relief to Guruji and made him feel lighter. During this period Guruji was introduced to Yogi Thiruvasar Ayya in Chennai who was teaching meditation and Yoga. Guruji’s friends Ramjothi and Chandra Manohar told Guruji to meet Thiruvasar Ayya, who was also a disciple of Vethathri Maharishi. In the meantime, Guruji also frequently embarked on spiritual trips, especially to Kanchipuram along with his friends and visited all the major temples to have dharshan. During one such occasion, Guruji visited Sankara mutt in Kanchipuram to have a darshan of Maha Periyava Chandrasekarendra Saraswati, the pontiff of Sankara Mutt. When Guruji was in front of Mahaperiyava, Kanchi Periyava glanced at Guruji with his deep penetrative eyes. At that instant Guruji immediately felt that all his sins were burnt by that glance. Even during his early days before meditation, Guruji possessed higher senses of perception and understood the subtle changes happening in and around him naturally. Mahaperiyava’s glance created a huge impact on Guruji’s spiritual journey by clearing many impurities and obstacles on his path.
Subsequently, Guruji went along his friend to have a darshan of Yogi Thiruvasar ayya and obtained Siva dheeksha (initiation) from him. After the initiation, Guruji did not take meditation seriously and did not meditate. One more friend of Guruji by the same name Sundaramurthy, also obtained initiation from Yogi Thiruvasar. He started telling a lot of occult experiences when he meditated in Ajna chakra. This stirred a deep interest in Guruji. Guruji started to take meditation seriously. Then Guruji also started to witness a lot of occult experiences. This made Guruji to go deep into meditation and perform sincere sadhana. Yogi Thiruvasar normally advised all learners of meditation, only to meditate for a few minutes. However, when it came to Guruji, he did not say anything and allowed Guruji to meditate for long hours as he saw the thirst in Guruji. Thus, Guruji got involved in long hours of meditation. Guruji’s visits to Saibaba temple also continued although during these times, Guruji went as a serious meditator. When Guruji meditated in Saibaba temple, he started receiving a lot of Siva Anubhava (divine experiences). But he realized that he cannot share his experiences with normal people or his family as it would be difficult for them to process. Later, Guruji realized that there were only very few people who could understand his experiences and these were his fellow travellers and spiritual seekers. Subsequnetly, Guruji’s friendship increased with sadhakas who were already doing meditation under the guidance of Yogi Thiruvasar like Chandar Manohar, Rajan, Arumugam and Srinivasan. Guruji and his friends would talk for hours about their spiritual experiences everyday. Guruji slowly started to perform intense sadhana. Eventually, Guruji’s inner fire was so intense that he started to meditate for at least 8 hours a day.
Guruji's Spiritual Austerity
In those times, with that kind of high spiritual drive, Guruji found it difficult to find a place that is conducive for meditation apart from his home and Saibaba temple. Sai baba temple would be open only in early mornings and late evenings and would remain closed during daytime. So, Guruji used to wait at the Saibaba temple gate before the temple opens and used to come out of the temple only at the closing time of the temple. During the daytime, Guruji used to travel in local trains from the starting station till the last station back and forth and meditate in the train unnoticed. Guruji used to buy first class monthly pass and travel everyday sitting and meditating on one corner seat in the train. For other normal people, Guruji seemed like just another common man sleeping in the train. But for Guruji, the train journeys played a significant role in his spiritual upliftment. Our Guruji used to quote the example of a rocket. A rocket can escape the force of gravitation only when it travels at escape velocity. Similarly, a seeker can reach the truth only if he has a similar kind of escape velocity to break the never-ending chain of karmas. Thus, the local train was his daytime temple. Due to his intense sadhanas, Guruji remained in an intoxicated state. Guruji’s divine intoxication was so much that he lived in a state of madness, mad with divinity.
From 1986 – 1989 Guruji lived totally in meditation and wholly for meditation. Guruji did not go to any job after his graduation. His only work was meditation, meditation and meditation! Guruji’s father and mother never forced their son to go for a job. They stood rock solid by his side throughout his journey. Guruji will meditate the whole day and return home in the evenings. After a small nap, again he will leave to meet his friends and discuss about meditation. Guruji would reach home late at night. Whatever time he returned, Guruji’s mother used to wake up from her sleep and make fresh chapathis and will serve him. Only after Guruji had his fill, she would go to sleep. Similarly in the mornings, Guruji used to meditate at his home. Guruji’s mother will serve the food before him and slowly wake Guruji up calling to have his food and then continue meditation. Guruji used to come out from his deep meditation, have the food in the same trance state and again close his eyes. Eventhough Guruji’s parents never forced him to go to a job, Guruji felt bad seeing them suffer in silence. So he started to attend tests and interviews for securing a job. Guruji’s father would fill all his application and bring them to him. Guruji’s only work was to sign them and attend the tests. This went on for sometime. During 1989, Guruji attended a test and interview in Government’s top financial institution and got a job there. For a sincere seeker, existence always charts and alters the course of their life such that they move closer towards their spiritual enlightenment. Likewise, Guruji’s job was in such a manner that Guruji’s meditation and thirst did not wane but started to wax more. In this period, Guruji started visiting temples and jeeva samadhis and started meditating there. Guruji obtained profound experiences when meditating in Marundheeswarar temple, Thiruvanmiyur which altered his perception towards ancient temples and jeeva samadhis. Ever since he started meditating in Jeeva Samadhis, Guruji’s spiritual growth took quantum leaps.
His visit to Narayana Theertha swamigal jeeva Samadhi in Thirupoonthuruthi and experiences obtained there took Guruji to the “point of no return”. By divine indication and consent, Guruji got married during 1992. His marriage did not deter his sadhanas, but only increased the quality of the sadhanas. During 1993, Guruji chanced to visit Gurulinga Swamigal Jeeva Samadhi temple in Saidapet, Chennai. When Guruji visited Karneeswarar temple in Saidapet and read the sthala puraanam, he came to know about a saint who wanted to attain jeeva samadhi in the same temple, but later attained samadhi in another place in the same street. When he came to know about the saint, something struck a chord in him. He began searching every nook and corner of the street to find the saint’s samadhi. After almost two years, he found the samadhi in a dilapidated state in front of which an oil shop was run at that time.
The alive temple was managed by Sakunthala Ammaiyar who looked after the temple for more than 30 years by that time. She was the grand daughter of Vasulingam who was a devotee of the saint. Sakunthala Ammaiyar(we used to call her aaya – which means grand mother) single handedly was doing seva to the saint’s Jeeva Samadhi. She used to take care of all the temple needs herself. She seldom used to allow outsiders in the temple. However, when Guruji went there, she allowed Guruji along with his fellow seekers and did not say anything. Slowly, our Guruji started to spend long hours in meditation in Gurulinga Swamigal’s jeeva samadhi. During this time, Guruji’s spiritual growth took quantum leaps due to the grace of Gurulinga Swamigal.
When our Guruji witnessed his first taste of enlightenment, it was Gurulinga Swamigal who helped our Guruji to digest his experience of enlightenment.
Guruji after Tasting the Truth
When our Guruji visited Gurulinga Swamigal initially, the temple was very small. Guruji felt that the temple needed a renovation. When Mahan Sri Gurulinga Swamigal was giving so much to Guruji, Guruji slowly started involving himself in all the activities of the temple, including conducting Gurupooja. Aaya had felt that she had a successor in Guruji and felt very relieved. By this time, the flowering in Guruji started to emit fragrance and a few people started to observe the profound transformation in Guruji. Some of them started to learn meditation from Guruji and slowly became his disciples. Thus, Guruji’s stream of disciples increased. Guruji started to help them in their path of enlightenment by taking them to several Jeeva Samadhi shrines and to all places of pilgrimage around India. Guruji’s Thiruppani to Gurulinga Swamigal was also going in full swing. Subsequently, Guruji performed his first Gurupooja in December, 1994 and every year thereafter. Guruji with his stream of disciples and other devotees of swami managed to construct a big gopuram atop the shrine of swami and renovated the temple completely keeping the sanctum sanctorum intact. Guruji performed kumbhabishekam (consecration) on 31-1-1999. Guruji’s visit to other Jeeva Samadhis also increased. Guruji started to do thiruppani to other saints’ samadhis also. Guruji realized that saints are God who lived in human form and still living to help other seekers in the path. Their energy is unparalleled to any other temples. So Guruji started searching especially for Jeeva samadhis all over India and started visiting them along with his disciples.
Narayana theerthar’s 7 disciples’ Samadhi were in an utter state of neglect and Guruji re-constructed their samadhis so that they would not disappear. Over the next few years Guruji performed thiruppani and kumbabhishekam to saints like Thadikara swami, Kulandaivel swami, Sanyasi subedar, Gangadhara Navalar and Nirathisaianandar, all their samadhis being in different locations in Chennai.
Dear Seekers,
In this very birth I have taken birth as Shri HH Guruji Sundar to help the real seekers of truth and guide them to Self- Realization and ultimately to Moksha. Just to be one among you I have taken a normal birth without any connectivity in spirituality. I was not a born saint or a born genius. I grew up just like any other normal person and walked the path of a spiritual seeker from scratch. I had gone through all the struggles, joys and all the extremeties in a seeker’s life. I once thought that all my intense sadhanas and sincere seeking brought me to the point of no return, gnana and enlightenment and I wanted to guide my sishyas in the same path I travelled. But later did I realize that none of it was due to my effort and everything was a play of maya. The Existence shaped up my life in such a way that whatever wisdom I ought to know at that particular point of time would be imparted to me by great saints and holy beings.
I realized that eventhough I am living as one among you, I am not an ordinary person. I was programmed to live as an ordinary human being and the spiritual knowledge would be revealed to me at various times in my life. Even at this very moment, I am not aware of what is going to happen in my life. So now, I have made the path of enlightenment as simple as possible to all the seekers of truth. I want to help the mankind as much as possible by bringing them closer to ultimate truth/gnana. The wisdom I gained after 30 years of intense seeking is now imparted directly to the seekers in just a few hours. I have made ‘AATHMA DARSHAN’- sighting a glimpse of your being, very much a possibility for the true seekers, irrespective of their religion.
Everything is not ordinary as it seems. Sometimes, extraordinary things are hidden among the ordinary.