Self-Realization of Guruji
My Inner Alchemy
I used to meditate 8 hours a day during 1986 to 1989. At that time, I was not in a job. I was searching for one. So, it was a boon for me to be jobless. I devoted myself full time for meditation. Anybody can do meditation but only a few people in the millions derive so much pleasure and joy out of it. I was the luckiest one. I was in high all the time. For 3 years I lived in paradise. Every cell of my body reeked with pleasure. This is how I had led my life.
I thought my life will go like this. But, God (The Existence) decided to put brakes on me. I received a job offer from a public sector insurance company and joined as a clerk. Every day I had to work from 10 am to 6 pm. In the evening, I went to temples to do meditation, but I went into sleep after a full day’s work. This went on for a month. I thought my meditation career stopped forever. I prayed to God, “Okay God, you have won. You destroyed my life completely”, for I had no time to meditate.
Then, God heard my prayers and answered it in a lovely way. I received a job offer from Government’s top financial institution and joined as a coin note examiner in November 1989. It was quota work only. So, within 2 to 3 hours my work for the day will be over. And again, I started meditating for 5 to 6 hours every day and it gradually increased to 8 hours. This went on for almost one year.
Unexpectedly one fine day, I got the glimpse of my real self for a few minutes. I lost my equilibrium and lived in a euphoric and mad state for one week. There was not a single soul with whom I could share my experience. Had I said anything to anyone they would have thought that I had gone mad. I became completely empty inside. There was no mind at all!
Slowly I got adjusted to this new way of living and realised the truth that I am the truth, I am perennial and I am divine.

Imparting Self Realization
After realising the truth, I lived in that state for almost 20 years. I took my time to completely understand and assimilate my Enlightenment Explosion. I realised the truth by the grace of almighty and existence, but there is no guarantee that this will happen to everybody. So, I had to devise a plan/technique to indicate the unknowable and the formless one inside us.
Finally with the grace bestowed on me by the existence, I was able to formulate a plan A3– Awareness About Aathman. Then finally in 2013, I gathered all my sishyas and told them about my enlightenment experience. This was the first time I revealed about my enlightenment. Then I indicated and imparted the Glimpse of the Aathman to them and made them get rooted in it for a few minutes.

Self-Realization does not happen in a single day!
It is a culmination of my so many years of sadhana plus the blessings from my ancestors, saints and other heavenly beings who bestowed their blessings on me. Furthermore, Enlightenment experience can’t be put in words and it is not an experience also. To simply put it is realising we are God.
Dear Seekers,
One lighted candle can be used to light any number of candles. In the very same way, one realised person can impart his enlightenment to any number of people and in turn they can impart their enlightenment to countless people.

The Elusive 'I'
‘I’ cannot be explained in words. It is an elusive feeling of ‘Is’ness. ‘I’ is so subtle that you can easily miss it. Getting rooted in ‘I’ is a herculean task. The feeling of ‘I’ is not limited to the body, it is everywhere. It is Universal. If you are able to break the barrier of your physical body, then you become omnipresent. Your ‘I’ becomes universal; you will be in everything and everything will be in you. Your ‘I’ will become eternal. Getting rooted in the ‘I’ is called Nirvana, Moksha, Enlightenment. Getting a glimpse of ‘I’ is called Satori in zen. It is called sudden enlightenment. If you get rooted in the ‘I’, you will come to know that everything is Maya. In the core level everything remains the same. Only on the surface level there are so many differentiations.