BRAHMATHEERTH – February, Issue No.2

Published on

Feb 21, 2025



  1. Sudharsun

    Beloved HH

    Pranams to you…

    What an outpouring..

    I am not qualified to comment on the content of the magazine as it is way beyond the realms of consciousness that I am confined presently.

    What I can long for is to be absorbed by it totally.

    I will need to read this again and again and again and again to get the essence imbibed in the deepest chambers in me..

    The words are releasing a different fragrance every time I read it…

    I don’t think presently in this world, any one else other than You is in a state of being to talk about or understand this..

    This is the newest version of Brahma Sutras brought by You, His Holiness to this world.

  2. Balaji

    Thank you beloved HH for pouring your wisdom. Your sutras are truly beyond any contemplation or understanding through the human mind. Yet it roots us to the pure Iness. Blessed are we to be born in your Divine Era. Always at your feet.

  3. Rahul Rana

    Beloved HH Guruji koti koti Pranaam Sashtang Dandvat

    I am nobody to comprehend or even comment on the Brahma Gyan that you are imparting on us
    I don’t exist and only you exist through me HH , The Brahma Gyan is the dust from your lotus feet and I am just the speck of dust.

    Thank you for imparting your wisdom on us and simplifying the divine concept of Brahmam so easily


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