

Dear Yogis,You, your Mind and the Aathman are all the same only. When the mind becomes very silent it gets settled in the Aathman only!

God’s Abode

Dear Yogis,If you get permanently rooted in the Divine Self, then it means that you have entered in to the Abode of God.

The Formless One

Dear Yogis,The forms of all the living beings can be different. But if you can look beyond the forms, you will come to know that only God is getting manifested in different forms!

The Truth

Dear Yogis,Do not seek the Truth in books, scriptures or in holy places. The very nearest is inside you and in fact, ‘YOU’ are the very truth you are searching for!

The Hidden Treasure

Dear Yogis, We are all born with the Divine Treasure. But there is no one in the world except Enlightened Masters to make us get rooted in the Hidden Treasure. The very purpose of this birth is to find the Realized Master and surrender to him totally, who in turn will...


Dear Yogis, Before starting your meditation journey, your mind will be 100% outside. When you start to meditate 90% of your mind will be roaming outside but 10% will be watching the traffic of thoughts. After a few days, 20% will be watching the traffic and 80% will...